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Heavy Duty Industrial Impulse Heat Sealers
Manufactured in the USA since 1932

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Are You Shopping For Vertrod Style Sealers?

ALINESYS.com Can Meet All Of Your Heat Sealer Needs
With Quality Dependable Equipment Ideal For Any Industry

If you currently have Vertrod style machinery in place for your business and are looking for a replacement, the Vertrod style sealers at Aline are a great option.

Aline offers a wide variety of heat sealer products, including those that work great as replacements for Vertrod machinery. This means you can count on Aline to provide a quality replacement sealing solution without long-term impact to your production output.

Aside from the competitive prices and high quality products you’ll find at Aline, there are several other benefits to purchasing one of our Vertrod style sealers.

When you purchase a heat sealer from Aline, you can have it customized specifically to meet your needs. Some of the options you can select from when you purchase heat sealers from Aline include…

  • Standard or validate-able impulse sealer
  • Flat band elements (1/8, 3/16, ¼, or ½ inch)
  • Round wire cut-off
  • Cold or hot-wire cut
  • Scrap blow off
  • Flying knife
  • Dual or multiple elements
  • Water cooled bars
  • Water chiller
  • Opti-Touch safety switches
  • 110 or 220 volts

At Aline, we know that every business and every industry are not the same. We understand that a “cookie cutter” approach to providing heat sealer solutions won’t do for your business.

So whether you are looking for Vertrod style sealers or any other type of customized heat sealer solution, we will work closely with you to deliver exactly what you need. Call us at 1-562-229-9727 or by email at Aline@alinesys.com to learn more Aline sealing products.


Aline Heat Seal Corporation

vacuum sealer
| vacuum chambers | thermal impulse sealers | bag sealer | temperature controllers |contour thermal heat sealers |
explosion proof sealer
| open back sealer | Large Scissor Sealer | medical pouch sealer | hand held impulse sealer |
vacuum heat sealing equipment